How to add as well as approve the Vehicle

a. Vehicle List :

Admin can add the vehicle details like vehicle type, brand, model, vehicle color, no of seat belts, no of doors, transmission type, fuel types, and vehicle image.
– Once the vehicle added is approved from the enrollment page admin can Enable the vehicle by adding pickup address, start time, end time, per hour rate, and preferences.
Admin can View/Edit the vehicle details by clicking on details and then click on edit and change the details.

Figure 1.1: Add vehicles to CarRental Vehicle list > Operator vehicles.

Figure 1.2 : Edit vehicle details >>  Vehicle Details >> Edit.

b. Enrollment :
Once the admin adds the vehicle from the vehicle list. Admin can approve the vehicle from the enrollment tab.
– The admin can add relevant documents for the vehicle before approving the vehicle.

Figure 1.3: Enrollment page where admin can upload vehicle documents and approve vehicle.

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