How can a User Add Vehicles

– Users can add vehicles from the My Vehicles tab in the side menu.
– Once the user upload vehicle details and documents they will be sent to the admin for approval
– Once the approval is done admin user can enable the listing of vehicle
–  Users can enable/disable listing by setting the preferred location, Available duration, and preferences while listing the vehicle.

Host user app Reference Video –

Figure 1.1: My vehicle list inside the menu where we can add new vehicles as well.

Figure 1.2: Add vehicle by selecting vehicle details and uploading documents.

Figure 1.3: Enable listing once the vehicle is approved by the admin by adding the preferred location and setting the tariff and availability time.


Figure 1.4 & 1.5: Rental Requests page while incoming requests and post accepting requests will be shifted to Confirmed requests.

Admin can predefine all the vehicle models prior which the Host user can select while adding the vehicles from the vehicle list.

– Admin needs to add vehicle model name, brand, No of seat belts, No of doors, and images of the vehicles.

Figure 1.8: Add vehicle data in the Vehicle information tab.

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