Coupons are for a specific set of Customers. To create a City-Wide Promo Code, go to Promotions > Coupons and click on Add Coupons.

Upon creation of the Coupon, click on the Give Coupon to Users button.
- Title: The title of the Coupon.
- Promo Type: A coupon can either be Location-Sensitive or Location-Insensitive.
- In the case of Location-Sensitive, three more fields are enabled namely, Location Type, Request Radius and Location.
- Location Type: This drop-down field has two options, namely Pick-up or Drop-off.
- Pick-up means if a Customer enters a pickup location which lies in the Request Radius of the Location, only then it will be applicable.
- Drop means if a Customer enters a drop location which lies in the Request Radius of the Location, only then it will be applicable.
- Request Radius: The distance from the centre lat long of the location to the entered value (in metres) up to which a region will be created where the Coupon will be applicable.
- Location: The location where the Coupon will be applicable.
- Discount Type: The type of discount can either be Flat or Percentage.
- In the case of Flat, a discount value needs to be specified.
- In the case of Percentage, the Discount Percentage along with the Maximum Discount value needs to be specified.
- Subtitle: The subtitle of the Coupon.
- Description: The description of the Coupon.
- No. of Coupons: The number of coupons which the Customers will receive once sent via push.
- Allowed Vehicles: This dropdown will show the active vehicle types in that particular city. An Admin can either choose a particular vehicle type or all vehicle types.
Following are the steps to fetch the User IDs:
9 Click on the Send button.
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