Vehicle settings let an Admin create vehicle types, enable or disable a vehicle type for a city, adjust the fares corresponding to a city, set commissions, customize the vehicle images and set ride request radius.
To create a vehicle type, click on the Add Vehicle Type button.
To change the details related to a vehicle type or make changes, click on Details.
- Creating Vehicle Types
Vehicle types can be created from Vehicle Settings using the Add Vehicle Type button.
Upon clicking the Add Vehicle Type button, the following fields are shown:
- City: Choose the city in which the vehicle type needs to be created.
- Vehicle Name: Enter the name of the Vehicle
- Vehicle Type: Choose the type of vehicle. (For one type of vehicle, only one category can be created)
- Ride Type: Choose the Ride Type – Normal or Pool.
- Display Order: Enter a value between 0 and n to set the order of Vehicle Type appearance in the Customer App.
- Destination Mandatory: If it is set to Yes, it will be mandatory to enter a destination in order to begin a ride.
- Fare Mandatory: If it is set to Yes, a fixed Fare will be calculated before the ride and indifferent of route changes or waiting time, the Final Fare will not be affected. If it is set to No, a Fare Estimate will be shown to the Customer before the ride starts and depending on the route change or waiting time, the Final Fare may vary.
- Commission: Enter the commission to be charged per ride for the Vehicle Type(in percentage between 0 to 100)
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