Refund Data

Admin can define the refund data for each vehicle type from here.
We can define 3-time slots before the booking time where a refund can be processed accordingly.
Before threshold time 2,  threshold time 0 – Before Threshold time 1, Between Threshold time 2 and Threshold time1.

Figure 1.9 Refund date

Threshold Time 1  – Minimum time from the booking where refund percentage can be defined
Threshold Time 2 – Maximum time from the booking where refund percentage can be defined
Refund Before Threshold 2 – Maximum Refund in factor 1 which is 100% or 0.1 which is 10% that can be given to the user at a certain time before booking in minutes.
Refund Between Thresholds 0 and 1 – A refund amount is given to the user if the user cancels the ride in less than the threshold time 1 which is the minimum time.
Refund Between Threshold 1 and Threshold 2 – Refund amount given to the user if the user cancels the ride in between the maximum and minimum time defined by the admin factors 1 which is 100% or 0.1 which is 10% that can be given.


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